Welcome to Hunters Hill

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Notice: There is no residency during the last week of 2018/19 academic year and the first week of the 2019/20 academic year

Welcome to Hunters Hill College

All of our students have an Education Health Care Plan with Social, Emotional and Mental Health identified as a primary need. However, over the last three years there has been an increase in the number of students with ASC as a secondary need and students have more complex mental health and family related problems. We have students referred to us from all districts of Birmingham and other Local Authorities. Some of our students have previously had low or no school attendance for significant lengths of time and others have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that have affected their personal, social and emotional development.

Our aim is to help our students leave school with the highest levels of attainment possible and we recognise that if these are to improve our student’s life chances then we must also have a strong focus on developing self-confidence, social skills and emotional resilience.

All students are attached to the school’s homes which offer residence from 1 to 4 nights each week. We have a team of residential school care workers who offer consistent adult role models and support on a 24 hour model from Monday to Friday each week. This provision is often highly significant in helping students to develop skills and strategies for forming and maintaining positive relationships and the team also offer very important support and contact with children’s homes and families. The pastoral systems and SMSC elements of school life are a strength of the school and significantly influence student’s behaviour and engagement with learning.


Mission Statement

Our Mission is to be a safe and healthy learning community
where everyone is encouraged to aim high,
work to their full potential and
have the opportunity to make a positive contribution,
so that we can all achieve the very best in life.
Every Person Matters!

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